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Bash Bootcamp: Elements of Style & Structure

Published: Jun 2021
Updated: Jun 2021

I advocate applying best practices to problems of all sizes. This may be a small demo script, but if one always applies best practices then this will become second nature. Bash is no different. Best practices are especially important because of the inherit quirks. The Google shell style guide is an excellent starting point. It mentions style (things like quoting, variable definitions, naming, etc) and structure. Together these two things will keep on the happy path. This book makes some additions that I’ve found useful in practice.

  1. Always use the unofficial strict mode
  2. Run everything through shellcheck
  3. Use variable indicators
  4. Define a usage function
  5. Define a main function

The unofficial strict mode is the most important of the whole list. Bash has many options. The most important, in my opinion, are off by default. These options are controlled by the set built in command. This line follows the shebang (#!) in every bash program: set -euo pipefail. This sets the following options.

set -e
Exit if any command fails (exits non-zero). In practice this means misspelled arguments, missing files, or anything else that could go wrong is treated as an exit case instead of just continuing on.
set -u
Fail when an undefined variable is used. Bash treats unassigned variables as blank strings by default. This is an annoying behavior that makes programs hard to debug. A program should never have undefined variables. This setting also requires the program to handle cases where the value may be blank, which is good all around.
set -o pipefail
Fail if any step in a pipeline fails. This is another default annoyance. Assume the program calls foo | bar | baz. Say bar fails. Out of the box, Bash will continue on as if this is OK. This option tells the shell to exit if any part of the pipeline fails.

These three options will make Bash programs feel like most programming languages: blowing up on stupid mistakes and failures. Now with that out the way we can get back to sanity.

Shellcheck is a godsend for Bash programmers. Bash has many quirky behaviors that make it behave less like high level languages. This is frustrating because it creates fiction and things may break in weird or unexpected ways. Shellcheck solves 80% of the pain points through static analysis. It picks up things like misspelled variables, improper quoting, unused variables, uninitialized variables, and much more. Shellcheck is as close as you are going to get to a compiler for Bash programs. All the examples in this book pass shellcheck on default settings from this point on.

Now for the next point: variable indicators. Bash allows you do many things with variables which will be touched on later. We also saw that a variable can be inserted (and interpolated) into a string anywhere. However how does the interpreter know where a variable name begins and ends? Bash generally does a very good job of making this transparent but you may hit a problem. The correct way, is to use braces to indicate variable names. This removes any confusion and makes it easy to use parameter substitution (${1:-}) at any point in the program.

The next two points go together. Both are structural points and are designed to ensure the program does not grow into a single chunk. Creating functions is also a great way to ensure separation and make the program more comprehensible.

Time to update the previous example so it fits our elements of structure and style.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

usage() {
  echo "USAGE: ${0} NAME" 1>&2

main() {
  local name="${1:-}"

  if [[ -z "${name}" ]]; then
    return 1

  echo "Hello ${name}"

main "$@"

Let’s unpack the example a bit. Defining functions is straight forward. There are two functions: usage and main. The main function uses a local variable name with local (according to the style guide). This line also uses parameter substitution to insert a blank value for a missing arguments. Using set -u requires this. This way running ./hello-world will not exit with an undefined variable error, but print usage and exit. The if conditional now calls the usage function. return replaces exit. This is important! exit will exit the process which is not a problem when there are no functions. However, functions should always use return. The program shouldn’t exit because a function completed right? Finally main is called on the last line. $@ is a special variable. It refers to all given arguments. Phew, quite a bit of changes! However this structure is portable to programs of all shapes and sizes. It will be second nature to you once you get in the habit. It was actually hard for me to write the first example because I was breaking my habit! Time to quickly go over what was covered:

  1. Declaring functions and handling arguments
  2. Conditionals and empty value checking
  3. Enabling sane defaults (unofficial “strict mode”)
  4. Proper structuring

This information has hopefully prepared you to enter the realm of bash programming.