How the High Velocity Edge changed my thinking and work
Spread knowledge and teach others to do the same
How to apply disciplined problem solving for continuous improvement.
How kanban and jidoka create a framework for system design and
How to fail fast using Sakichi Toyoda’s jidoka concept.
Introducing Taiichi Ohno and the pull-based work philosophy
known as “Kanban”.
The four capabilities embodied by Admiral Hyman Rickover of the US
navy’s nuclear propulsion program.
The four capabilities demonstrated by a change to safety culture at
An introduction to the four capabilities of high velocity
The story of Parts Unlimited as told by Bill in the Phoenix Project and Maxine in the Unicorn Project.
The 12.1 factor app strives for dev/prod parity where practical and eschews it when not. This requires differenating between bounded and unbounded contexts.
Three additions to the original 12 factor app logs factor
Patch level improvements to the original 12 factor apps. 4 points to improve the configuration factor in your application.
My career began as a web application developer. I assumed success depended on choosing specific technologies. I leveled up with exposure to different technologies, companies, roles, and perspectives. 10 years of experience refutes my assumption. Success does not depend on specific technologies. It requires a value stream centric worldview and continuous improvement.
You may implicitly understand this idea without grokking the concept. Consider your own anecdotal experience. Which do you prefer: automated deployments backed by automated tests or manual deployments backed by manual testing?
However I still wanted a redirect from apex domain to www using HTTP and HTTPs. I wanted a free, no-code and no-infrastructure solution on AWS. The solution is an Application Load Balancers and Route53 DNS.
Anyone can run a command like helm install $MARKET and everything will work as expected. Preconfigured versions for different STAGE values are communicated through different semantic versions.
Bash for total beginners.
Ruby has a logging built in. Simply require logger and you’re off to the races. Don’t waste your time with log4r or anything else. The standard logger is good enough for almost every use case I’ve heard of. Less dependencies are always important. Use the standard library when you can.